NZ First too extremist for Chippy – Labour rules out Winston + New Talbot Internal Poll


Chris Hipkins rules out working with NZ First, Winston Peters

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has ruled out forming a coalition with NZ First and its leader Winston Peters after the election.

Hipkins used the announcement to unleash an attack on National’s Christopher Luxon — who hasn’t ruled out working with Peters — and to criticise NZ First, which he said had become “more interested in toilets than the issues that really matter.”

Additionally, he went on the attack against ACT’s “radical craziness” in a bid to attack a potential National-ACT-NZ First coalition.

Like ACTs extremism, NZ First’s extremism is too extreme.

Having candidates who believe there are nano robots in the vaccine and that vaccinations were akin to the concentration camps and gulags is just too extreme for most Kiwis.

A lot of men who voted Labour in 2020 are angry at the lack of transformation, the Auckland lockdown and the antagonistic woke dogma and are protesting by voting ACT without knowing what ACT actually stand for.

As the extremism of ACT and NZ First are laid bare, more will turn away in disgust.

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Chippy ruling out Winston is strategically and tactically smart. Winston ruling Labour out is one thing, Labour ruling Winston and his antivaxx, anti-treaty, trans obsessed cavalcade of political circus freaks is totally another.

It’s bold, it’s smart, it’s Labour finally starting to fight back.

The New Talbot Internal Poll is better for Labour.

Labour 32

National 34 

Greens 11

ACT 10

NZ First  6

Te Pāti Māori 4

The latest internal Talbot Poll shows the Labour Party death spiral being sold to the electorate isn’t as intense as it is.

The Māori Party vote continues to hold up.

NZ First have attracted enough AntiVaxxers who obsess over genders using the right toilet to gain above 5%, the Greens stay string because Labour are so weak and ACTs recent extremist candidates have spooked voters who were voting David because they were angry with Labour.

The election is far closer than it is being sold.

It ain’t over until the fat blogger sings.


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  1. If they’re not in a death spiral, then why is the pilot slumped over the controls, the tail is missing and the engines are on fire, while the rest of the crew is fighting over the parachutes?

    • Worthless fat useless fucking NATIONAL jerry brownlee waddled about blouting about his greatness while I was forced out of my home, out of my city and out of my business by several fucking earthquakes. All I got in compensation was $1000.00 from Red Cross. National’s WINZ lied to me, deliberately mislead me and generally treated me like a societal cast off while the Fendalton rich got privileged treatment. Poor New Brighton’s still suffering from The Big Jizz and his vast arse that he never bothered putting into gear.
      Jacinda Adern, the Natzo red neck punching bag of choice saved our arses from c-19 while trying to help us navigate through a deep state post neo-liberal NATIONAL PARTY Wellington bureaucracy groomed to most benefit the already undeservedly wealthy the helped created.
      If you vote for National and/or one of it’s greedy cling-on neo-liberal wart-like MMP minions you’ll get what your stupidity deservedly gives you.

      • Yawwwwn, who cares about your past, your posts are too long and most don’t read, you have angry wee man syndrome and your posts reminiscent of a mozzie you can hear but don’t want to see, get the fly spray out!
        Kill 2 mozzies one spray…bonus!
        Battlefeild earth & Countryboy.

      • If Labour hadn’t screwed licenced firearms owners so badly, I wouldn’t be voting ACT. But since many here thought that was what we deserved, I guess they’ll enjoy the Government they deserve.

      • Chch people were treated a lot better than those suffering from the latest weather bomb in Auckland and Gisbourne area .Of course some got a poor deal but most were able to quickly move on with their lives . Many of those who had problems were caused by being under insured or not insured so it was hard to work out how to help them without other wondering why they should get insured .
        Most businesses I dealt with quickly bounced back .Brownlees vote increased after the earthquake and National kept all their local seats

  2. Centre right (including NZF) @ 50%. The dribbler who is our ambassador to Ireland must be getting a squeaky bum. Winston will want some utu.

    Both Te Reo and Seymour haven’t had their best couple of weeks and for social conservatives Peters is singing the best tune. At 6% more than just anti vaxxers supporting NZF.

    • I still can’t comprehend why the people who hate Jacinda and Labour the most would vote for the guy who put them in power…

  3. ACT want to steal more from the public for their rich donors, and National refuse to release any costings for their promises.
    This is spooking the mouth breathers.


    What cunning secrets shall I keep, what agendas do I hide. What tasks will I undertake, what schemes can I devise…Will my tactics be meticulous, or will they be slap dash. A carefully executed chess move, or something rather rash…Do I sip on some dutch courage, or keep clear headed precision. Will I do it in the shadows, or broad daylight in full vision…Will it be a frenzied onslaught, or a stabbing lightning thrust. And if he shows resistance, then pacify him I must…Myriad times I’ve fantasized, about his grizzly end. With each blunder, gaffe, and backfire, he’s driving me round the bend…

    In the footsteps of Cassius and Caesar, I tread softly contemplating. “Ista quidem vis est”, my destiny is awaiting…Will it happen at close quarters, with a Tanto or Katana. Or should I go for more exotic, like a damascus Tsubagatana…Or maybe try old school, with my trusty combat bowie. Or initiate at close range, with Patterson trocur, or Gil Hibben throwy…Perhaps a poison tip Sykes dagger, or perhaps au naturel. Hidden in my pants suit, or in newspaper rolled up well…Jagged and blunt and rusty, or is razor sharp the best. Buffed to a brilliant shine, and oiled to maintain it’s zest…

    Desperate times need desperate measures, when I’ll savagely betray his trust. From bottomfeeders to business leaders, will go along with my bloodlust…His first mistake was having faith in me, a soulmate he thought he’d found. But when he’s least expecting it, I’ll slay him to the ground …With his net favourability polling below zero, he can’t go bumbling on. There’s no comeback for him now, no encore, no swansong…

    My instinct is to grab the wheel, and turn the ship around. And bid adios to Aloha, by cutlass take him down… And bring us back from the brink, of that opposing wilderness. A moment to cherish and savor, my serenity, my bliss…Time for armchair warriors, to quietly slip aside. For the naysayers to retreat, and let the girl of action hit her stride…Like a cougar about to pounce, like a wolf stalking her prey. Like an eagle with talons drawn, my scabbard will have it’s way…I’ll strike while the iron is hot, for it may be my only chance. Fait accompli awaits the jetsetter, when I introduce him to my lance…

    Ice cold shiv I tightly grasp, within my clammy hand. I do this for my party, for my country, for my land…My assassins heart starts pounding loudly, the seconds ticking by. The hairs bristle on my neck, and perspiration stings my eye…Poised and locked and loaded, my intentions crystal clear. I ignore all distraction, when I sense his presence near… Familiar footsteps now approach, and soon I glimpse him too. Even more beige than beige, about to meet his Waterloo…No longer our shiny new hope, his leadership he can’t reprise. He’s reached the end of the road, all that’s left is his demise…A highflyer from the business world, where he often thrived. About to be foreclosed on, zero hour has arrived…

    So this is what it’s come to, this is the culmination. What my training has prepared me for, after much anticipation…Great drama flows slow motion, shimmering sabre close to hand. Oblivious of my menace, this will be his final stand…I seize the opportunity, long blade now unconcealed. In scimitar flash I lunge at him, my ambush all revealed…The bell tolls for thee ding ding, the countdown of his life, It’s baldys birth day today, surprise, I’ll cut the cake with my favorite knife.

  5. You hope .As the saying goes it is not over until the fat lady sings.
    Those that care for the country can only wish after Oct we have a new management team that can get the country back on track

    • What? A ‘new’ kinda neoliberalism, or something else? A kind where 60% of the population supports the wealthy in their fiefdoms of serfdom for the masses and with no more trickle-down? Like the current lot, more vacuous promises but will only deliver the same kind of Chicago school of economics theory again. Promises, promises.

      I just hope that WWIII in Europe, again, we don’t get sucked into it, again.

      BRIICS+ all thee waaay!

    • Oh Trevor if this national bunch are so good why are we reaping the legacy of their austerity do nothing government for 9 years ( and many years before that). Why were the houses sold, why were the schools and hospitals falling down around our ears. Why did they close rural police stations, why did they cut taxes on one hand and put GST up with the other hand. Before you say earthquake, and GFC collapse ( this the result of right wing greedy rich people ). Insurance paid for the earthquake and working people paid the price for the GFC.

      • It seems you forgot that even after these so called terrible years the National nearly got in for another term and lost due to Winston in a move he now seems to regret . Mistakes were made but businesses did well and workers were not forced to strike to just survive. The last 6 years have seen the country go backwards house prices skyrocketed ,landlords forced into higher rents or lose their lively hood . I believe National have learnt from the past and deserve another go but if Labour gets in they will save me $5 in fruit and veg and cost me $20 extra at the pump and more wasted money on their expanded public servants

    • Trevor The fat dame Shipley had a gastric band or whatever it is to stop her being such a big gobbler, and look at her now, singing a might shameful sort of song. All the neolibs are dubious characters, Nats as well as Labour. Key did a bunk, Ardern did a bunk, the Greens are loonies, Act sociopaths, and if Hipkins has come out swinging against Winston Peters, then Peters has to be worth serious consideration. Hipkin’s misogyny is mind-blowing, but Peters is the only pollie man enough to openly respect women. That’s a biggie.

  6. It still gives a Nact win.

    Which sex uses public change rooms and bathrooms is not a trivial issues.

    Do we really want to allow me access to a women’s change room where teenage girls are changing?

    • Anker It’s pretty rich that Mr Hipkins, who has never been a female, as far as I know, is trivialising women’s issues in this way and trying to make martyrs of the transgender community at the expense not just of teenage girls, but of grandmothers, mothers, aunties, daughters, and nieces who don’t want to share private spaces with him and his mates. A few fathers and grandfathers feel likewise.I was already voting Peters anyway.

      • Yes it’s Hipkins who has made the issue of toilet by ramming through self ID. Lowing any man who says he’s a woman access to female toilets.

        Chip pie not only has never been (nor could he ever be ) a woman, he doesn’t know what one is

    • Sounds like you are trying to tell us something Anker. Why would any man, who thinks he is a man, and has no confusion over their sex at all ( I assume that’s you) want to go into a woman’s changing room with teenage girls?

  7. The expectation of the Nasties second term in government when they haven’t won the first term yet.

    ” Former leader Judith Collins will be there too and, given her near exemplary performance since losing the leadership nearly two years ago ”

    ” Gerry Brownlee, another former minister, will probably become Parliament’s new Speaker ”

    That possible appointment will see a return to the behaviour of speaker David Carter who allowed the National led government to escape scrutiny and escape accountability.

    ” Goldsmith is still living down the multi-billion fiscal hole he failed to see in National’s 2020 election plans, when he was finance spokesperson ”

  8. If Chris Hipkins sees this poll he will do his best to increase this gap, there is no way that he wants to negotiate with the Maori Party.

  9. [just another poll in which Labour is again not forming a government.]

    On those figures, neither does National: with NZ1st support (which is not guaranteed) they only have 50%. In that case Labour, as the incumbent, would continue to rule – at least until another election can be held.

  10. This might actually be the worst poll of the recent ones for Labour. If they are being voted out on the account of being useless then people may still vote for them to make sure Nat/Act don’t get too large a win. But here Lab/Gr/TPM/NZF could form Govt. So more voters may decide not to vote for Labour making their final result much worse.

    Or am I just overthinking this?

    • That’s right Chris. MMP and FPP don’t work. Government by Public Referendum is the next step to enable voters’ input into the political system again.

    • A vote for anyone is an endorsement for a antiquated system of governance that is no longer fit for purpose.

      The political class no longer work in the best interests of the public at large. They never really did, but as long as there was some trickle down, the great unwashed could bathe in the dream that they too could swim in the ocean of prosperity the pollies were constantly pissing on about.

      So now we’re inundated with empty promises and scare tactics to believe your vote will make a difference. It won’t.

      The rich will get richer, the poor poorer and the political bourgeoisie won’t do shit about it as it would mean a tear down of everything they hold dear…liberal democracy under a westminster system subservient to the Crowns interests.

      Join the awokening. Don’t vote. Cancel everybody and everything. Start over…

      • Fight the power! Destroy the system!
        … by whining anonymously on the internet & not voting! I’m sure the rich & powerful will be quaking in their boots. Do you have more?

  11. Given Winston’s history. It would be wise for many on the left to vote for NZFirst to ruin any incoming NACT government.

    If the left can’t get in, at least we can use Winston to shit on the rights faces!

  12. As Hipkins won’t work with nz first, I can’t see your logic. If Nact get 50%, I am pretty certain they will arrange a C and S with Winston

  13. Till I find the party that is committed to returning full, free, uncompromised and promptly executed health services to all NZ born Kiwis again.
    That is committed to return to full free education including 5 years tertiary to all NZ born Kiwis.
    That will not increase the Superannuation eligibility age.
    That will commit to ensure all NZ born Kiwis are housed.
    That will restrict immigration to only those with specific knowledge and special skills needed in NZ and who are capable of training New Zealanders in the same .
    Then I will vote that party.
    Until I find it I will vote NZ First if for no other reason than as a protest at the many ways our basic NZ goal posts of egalitarism are being eroded.

    • Do you really believe an antiquated westminster system of liberal democracy, subservient to the Crown’s interest is the best form of Governance and Judicial system we can do and will serve everyone’s needs going forward ?

      The government and judiciary were gamed by old white men to serve themselves first and everyone else second. Now its being gamed by anyone who merely has to act like an old white man to get themselves on the public tit and suckle for all their worth.

      A protest vote is still a vote for the system and the status quo. The smart play is to not vote at all. The power of the volunyary disenfranchised is the only thing short of a revolution that will change anything for the better.

      A vote for any party is a vote for jolly king chuckles and shows your allegiance to the Crown. Anything more is window dressing under the pretense of left or right wing ideology being any different in their real life applications. The differences have long been papered over, wrapped up in red tape and consigned to parliamentary records.

      If there’s a culture war to be fought, and there is, it needs to be between the indigenous, aligned with progressive minorities and the culture of entitlement and excess promoted by the political class aligned with corporate entities.

      Fight the power by not playing the game.

  14. Just when I thought I had settled on voting for TPM seeing the bump for the Greens has me thinking it might be more strategic to vote for them instead… Could I just switch my electoral vote for a second party vote please?

  15. I’d say Chippy has a short window to turn this around, but if the next 1News or Newshub poll shows another drop for Labour then that might be it


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