Get your FREE copy of Defending the Wood Perilous

 You live in a fairytale.

You know the one, where a boy or a girl wanders into a strange land, unable to find home again. It is a story of darkness that crushes the spirit and of hope in the midst of the darkness.

That fairytale. The one where you are the hero.

People tell us that reading fantasy is escapism. But do you ever feel more alive, more real, than when you are reading? When we are reading a really good story, don’t we feel as if it allows us to burn with the bliss and suffer the sorrow of others? To come out of ourselves and be more than we would have been?

If your heart burns for brighter things, if you are one who yearns to venture Beyond the Fields We Know, this is for you.

A collection of the Defending the Wood Perilous articles.