Election 2023: Christopher Luxon promises to 'cut red tape' with economic plan

Christopher Luxon has announced the first part of the National Party's economic plan, saying it will "rebuild" the economy by "cutting red tape". 

The National Party leader accused Labour of six years of "economic mismanagement". 

Luxon said National has 25 measures which will reduce red tape, including repealing Labour's Resource Management Act changes; cutting reducing the scope of the CCCFA; repealing the Conduct of Financial Institutions Act; restoring 90-day trials for businesses with more than 20 staff and eliminating the need for resource consents for electric vehicle (EV) charging points.  

Luxon said New Zealand needs a National Government that will "drive growth and lift incomes for all New Zealanders".   

"Kiwi businesses thrive when we have a dynamic, competitive economy and it's the Government's job to get the settings right so that businesses can step up and achieve that." 

Luxon said this means a "predictable and consistent" regulatory environment, with less red tape.  

"Small businesses need room to be agile. Growth should be encouraged, not punished. Innovation and competition should be welcomed, not shunned.  

"New Zealanders have a stark choice this election. Either three more years of a high-taxing, high-spending, Labour, Greens and Te Pati Māori coalition that will never agree on anything, or a strong, stable National-led Government that will rebuild our economy and get New Zealand back on track."

National has 25 measures that will "reduce red tape" including: 

  • Repealing Labour's RMA changes  
  • Reducing the scope of the CCCFA and repealing the Conduct of Financial Institutions Act. 
  • Restoring 90-day trials for businesses with more than 20 staff 
  • Eliminating the need for resource consents for EV charging points and water storage on farms. 
  • Giving farmers the tools they need to reduce emissions by lifting the effective ban on GE and GM technologies 
  • Streamlining building consents and code of compliance certificates.