ACT throw Gen X under the retirement bus


Oh Yay, ACT are going to throw Gen X under the retirement bus…

ACT commits to raising pension age

ACT leader David Seymour says New Zealand must start raising the pension age, raising it three months every year until it reaches 67 years old.

“We have to be honest and say we’re in a hole… countries are raising their ages of retirement to at or above 67,” Seymour said.

The ACT leader dismissed concerns about the fairness of a blanket increase to the age of superannuation, rather than means testing.


The first generation of user pays, Gen X, are now going to have to wait longer to get their Super if National and ACT win the 2023 election!

It’s not enough that Gen Xers had to pay for their own education, it’s not enough that while they were paying that student debt off and Boomers were speculating them out of the housing market, now we are being told that those Boomers are pulling the Super ladder up behind them!

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So Boomers speculate Xers out of the housing market, never fucking retire so that Xers can’t progress their careers and NOW they are taking their Super up with them?

Look you Boomers, I know you’ve had it good with your subsided life from cradle to grave, but sweet Jesus there is going to be such a backlash against you the very second Millennials + Gen Y + Gen Xers are a bigger voting black, and that’s predicted to be the 2023 election.

I know you boomers feel pleased as punch to get one past us by electing the Boomer King in Auckland as he privatises assets you won’t be alive to see the consequences of the sale of, but I’m telling you, raise our Super just because you want untaxed capital gains, there’s going to be a political backlash coming for you.

If you are a Gen Xer, you just got another reason not to vote National or ACT!

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  1. Seymour is the only politician with the balls to NOT put off the inevitable – to NOT kick the can down the road. Vote against this by all means but in doing so you are voting for a huge tax burden for your Grandchildren. This is exactly the sort of hard decision this country needs instead of Robbo just putting everything on the credit card and hoping that tomorrow never comes.

      • The great crime by National, Labour, and NZ First was the abolition of the super surcharge by National-NZ First in 1998 with the acquiescence of Labour. The surcharge kept NZ Superannuation both affordable and universally available by heavily taxing any significant extra income of those who signed up for it.
        We need to do that again, now. There is no need to raise the qualifying age from 65: that will hurt many who by that age are already broken.
        NZ Superannuation is affordable far into the future if those who sign up for it go on a special tax rate for all other income. That ensure that Super went to those who need it, by encouraging people still in well-paying work to defer signing up for NZ Super, and discourage people with big investment income from applying for Super at all.
        Susan St John and Claire Dale have pointed the way;

    • Robbo has been putting money aside in the Super Fund to help pay the cost.

      NZ has never been more collectively productive and wealthy, plus new technologies in coming decades. We should be working less, not more. Isn’t that why we focus on the economy, for things to get better? Work more get less, to make the wealthy’s line go up faster, is a pretty sad vision of our future.

    • Well said Jason.If a truly prosperous country like Australia is increasing the retirement age we must need to do it as well. Kiwi saver will still be released at 65 .

      • If you had your way, Trevor there wouldnt be a pension, and people would just have to work till they drop, or rely on their KiwiSaver.

        If people like you had their way, only those who can afford to retire should retire and everyone else keeps working.

        That is what happens in Hong Kong. No pension, just live on the street.

  2. I’m gen X and this is inevitable.
    Our generation and those after have a less free ride and lower standard of living than the boomers for a bunch of reasons.
    You don’t have to like it but we do have to face reality.

    • Because rick pricks like you dont want to pay a single cent extra in cash.

      And what are the people between 65 and 67 going to do? Be pushed further into poverty. You are completely heartless. YOu would have thousands of people living on the streets rather than pay 1 more dollar in tax to have a roof over their heads.

      • Keepcalmcarryon needs to get a concreting job or any labouring job and find out what “facing reality” really means instead of his soft free loading on the tax payer. Really needs to gain a few life skills to have an understanding of reality.

        • i think you mean a kidney. try living without your liver. did they not teach you basic human biology in what ever poor excuse of a private school you went too?

  3. David Seymour is not a boomer – born 1983, I think that makes him a millennial, and a very privileged one at that. He has always worked in public policy areas, and has most often been generously paid out of state coffers.

    Plenty of us boomers have never owned property, and I for one, am against raising the retirement age. It certainly will do nothing to counter income & wealth inequalities. ACT is for the well-off of all generations.

  4. Seymour’s voting base is white Epsom & Remueraites who will not be affected by this policy, most of them have $$$’s coming out their ears.

    • Seymour’s plan to build prisons and put more police on the streets says it all. Trying to copy the trend in the USA to solve problems with police, courts and prisons.

  5. David Seymour is the biggest threat to social cohesion and living standards in this country. He is not doing to be effected by a raise in the pension age, as he will be taken care of. But there are thousands of New Zealanders who will. Not just manual work, but the sick, poor and disabled as well as women – especially single women and those who care for family members. Also the people who have been unable to work, or who have been unable to find jobs.

    Its all very well, to say, raise the age to 65, but it actually affects real people. Having to wait for 2 years more years having to work a minumum wage job (a lot of people can reduce their hours and work part time), or stuck on the sickness or invalids benefits having to choose whether to have dinner or pay the power bill.

    Raising the super age and indexing it to prices, will just cause more poverty in this country. but David Seymour is perfectly happy with poverty and homelessness in this country. As are most of the people on here.

    • Sleazy bastard Seymour wants to raise it to 67, it’s currently at 65! He’s hoping people die off before they reach Retirement age especially people he despises like Maori & Pacifica people who struggle to live to 65 & whom Seymour wants to kill off! Have you ever seen those TV ads for Retirement living, you’ll never see a elderly Maori or Polynesian person in it, just white entitled National Party voting blue rinsers who live forever? But whats to stop em from raising it again & again? Just look what the French did when Macron tried to raise it to 67 in France, Paris burned & the Country was shutdown for Days, god bless the French workers, they don’t take shit like we kiwis do from scumbag Politicians, they fight back with mass protests, we should follow their example!

  6. people paid in for a defined pension if any govt wants to change that contract ok…but you time it for people who start paying tax from tomorrow morning…of course a 50 year delay before it comes into effect would keep their hands out of your pockets…pensioners should get what they were compelled to pay full



  7. Millsy I agree, we can’t let the Boomers win this one. It stays at 65. The French argue about 60 don’t they.

    Seymour can find savings some where else. Like reducing Mps to 90 from 120.

  8. This is David Seymour at his best, a slimeball twerking fuckwit whose never had a real job in his entire life & never done a honest days work, a varsity trained, non productive worthless sack of shit. It’s alright for pen pushers like Seymour, sitting behind his stupid desk in his pathetic Political ads with that annoying Six60 background music with this prick shuffling paper but if you’ve worked in manual work all your life, 67 may as well be 107? My brothers a Builder & at 52 he’s physically stuffed having done this work since he was 18! The Retirement age should be set to your Occupation i.e those who did hard labour & manual work should retire at 55 but useless pen pushers like Seymour can retire at Joe Biden or Mitch McConnell’s geriatric age of 80. And remember this Seymour, the Gen Xers will eventually run the Govt & can cancel your Parliamentary Golden parachute retirement nest egg in a Heartbeat & throw you out of your Rest home & out on your ass, screwing you over like you are screwing over others you arsehole!


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