Check out our event calendar to see our upcoming events and get your tickets!

Are you a Pastor, Church Administrator or Ministry? We have all the resources you'll need to navigate politics from the pulpit!

We are always looking for volunteers to help in a variety of areas. Check out our volunteers page and apply to help our cause!

Take a look at prior races or get the latest information on candidates and ballot measures with We Believe We Vote's voter guide.

Become a sustaining partner and help us reach more voters, more churches, and more candidates!

We have a plethora of educational materials and information that will help you be better equipped as a Biblical Citizen and voter.

Invest in the Future

WBWV Ministries is a Christian ministry providing resources to assist citizens in social, cultural, and governmental engagement based on Biblical truths and Constitutional principles.

Our organization is completely funded by community partnerships and donations by concerned, Biblically minded citizens.

If you utilize our resources, please consider making a contribution today. Thank you!

Our Partners

Thank you to our partners! Our work would not be possible without the commitment of our community.

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