124. Memorandum From the Coordinator for Population Affairs (Green) to Secretary of State Kissinger, Washington, April 13, 1976.1 2

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April 13, 1976

TO: The Secretary
Through: OES - Myron Kratzer
FROM: OES/CP - Marshall Green

Actions Regarding World Population Growth

The Problem

You requested at our meeting last Saturday that I submit a list of specific actions where you could be helpful in regard to our efforts to curb world population growth. Specific actions are briefly summarized below.

Background Analysis

-- Attached at Tab 1 is a message to the field which sets forth your concern about world population growth and the attention you expect our Ambassadors to give to the issue, notably in their conversations with leaders.

-- Your UNCTAD Speech. I have just submitted to the Deputy Secretary suggested language for inclusion in your UNCTAD speech, which relates to primary health services, status of women, and greater emphasis on food-for-work type projects to increase LDC agricultural production, raise rural living standards, provide employment, and reduce urban migration.

-- Trips and Visits. As specifically mentioned in NSDM 314, it will be most helpful if the President and you, as appropriate, discuss population issues with interested foreign leaders during their visits to Washington or during your trips abroad. To this end, we will be preparing suggested talking punts for your forthcoming African trip.

-- Meeting Non-Governmental Population Groups. Last year the State Department sponsored a meeting on population issues attended by representatives of some 150 non-governmental groups concerned with population-related issues. It would give all these groups a real shot in the arm if occasion could be found this Fall for you to address a similar meeting which could be either under State Department auspices or organized by the World Population Society which is a new organization with high prestige.

-- Greater Emphasis on Food-for-Work Projects. This may be covered in your UNCTAD speech and represents one of several moves I believe we can and should take in the area of promoting rural agriculture, community development, and village organization. Among other benefits, such measures will create a better setting for family planning programs.


That you sign the attached cable.--[approve HAK]

Attachment Cable to All Diplomatic Posts

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files, P760069–0390. Confidential. Sent for action. Drafted on April 13 by Green. Sent through Kratzer. A handwritten notation indicates that Kissinger approved, on May 7, the draft cable attached at Tab 1. Tab 1, not printed, was sent as telegram 113982 to all diplomatic posts, May 10, indicating Kissinger’s personal interest in promoting U.S. population policy objectives. (Ibid., Central Foreign Policy Files) The memorandum of Kissinger’s conversation with Green and other Department officials on Saturday, April 10, is published as Document 123. NSDM 314 is published as Document 122. Kissinger’s May 6 speech to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Nairobi is published in Department of State Bulletin, May 31, 1976, pp. 657–672.
  2. Green submitted a list of specific actions Kissinger could take to support U.S. international population policy.