Jenna Lynch analysis: Is free dental for under-30s Labour's saving grace policy?

ANALYSIS: Is free dental for under 30-year-olds Labour's saving grace policy?

What Labour wants people to take from this promise is not necessarily the under-30 pledge, but their signal that they want to make it free for everyone.

Free dental is a universally popular policy. The last time Newshub polled on subsidising dental it was supported by over 80 percent. It's always been kicked down the road as people say it's too expensive.

This is a much simpler concept for people to get their head around than GST off fresh fruit and vege. Labour will be hoping it lands better than that fizzler.

This opens the door for it to be incrementally increased to include other groups before getting to universalism.

It's another Labour alternative to tax cuts that target something that is hard to pay for, hoping to ease the squeeze on Kiwis' wallets rather than pumping cash into them. 

But Labour's campaign launch was also disrupted by Freedoms NZ supporters.

They're turning up to a lot of events now. They're frustrating people. 

Protesting outside is one thing but you had to be registered to get into that event on Saturday. The plants in the crowd had obviously gone to all that effort. 

It would be a shame if a tiny group of vocal and disruptive protestors shout down any party they disagree with. That is not democracy. 

Jenna Lynch is Newshub's Political Editor.