Greta Thunberg Uses Viral Barbie Trend to Protest a New Oil and Gas Field

“Do you guys ever think about [the climate crisis]?”
Greta Thunberg
Ole Jensen/Getty Images

Greta Thunberg is raising awareness about the planned development of an oil and gas field by using a viral Barbie sound. 

The climate activist, 20, isn't slowing down her fight against major corporations and governments that aren't taking the necessary steps to prevent the climate crisis. Thunberg joined other demonstrators outside of UK Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps' office in London to protest the government's ongoing debate about whether or not to develop the unused Rosebank oil and gas field. 

In an effort to sound the alarm about the potential CO2 emissions the new field would produce, Thunberg and other demonstrators recreated a scene from the Barbie movie to get the point across. In the video posted on Stop Cambo's Instagram page, a campaign dedicated to stopping new oil and gas extraction, Thunberg is shown mouthing the words from the scene in which Margot Robbie's Barbie asks, “Do you guys ever think about dying?” The text on the video's screen reads, “Do you guys ever think about the climate crisis?” The camera then pans to other demonstrators and the video's text on-screen reads the names of UK Ministers Schnapp and Rishi Sunak, along with Norwegian oil company Equinor. 

“For a safe climate and affordable energy, richer countries like the UK must stop expanding oil and gas production,” the caption reads. 

Stop Cambo also wrote that the Rosebank oil and gas field would emit more CO2 emissions than “the world’s 28 poorest countries do in a year.”

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The proposed Rosebank project, which is a field off the coast of the Shetland Islands in Scotland, has not yet been approved. The field is expected to produce up to 500 million barrels of oil but at a great cost to the environment. 

“The fact that the UK Government is even considering this tells us exactly how out of touch with reality they are,” Thunberg told a local news outlet in London. “All the record-breaking heat waves and the extreme weather events we’ve seen during the summer is just the beginning of a rapidly escalating existential crisis.”

Thunberg has been a crusader of the climate crisis since she was a teenager. She has become the unofficial spokesperson for climate activism and has met with — and feuded — with multiple world leaders.