Multiverse Customizer: Unleash Your Creativity

5 min readJul 28, 2023

In the world of Web3 and NFTs, bragging rights are the silent shout from the profile picture beside your name. That rare NFT, that rare trait, the proud display of how excited you are about your favorite project or collection. With one look at your profile picture, people instantly know who you are in the crowded online world. Your avatar represents your achievements, your history, what you have fought for and what great challenges you have mastered. Proving you put in the work and earned what your avatar is wearing.

Ultra-Personalization - Tailored by You

It is time to celebrate the dawn of a new era in Web3 gaming with Moonsama’s Multiverse Customizer. This groundbreaking new piece of platform brings NFTs and gaming avatars together by giving their owners the ultimate bragging rights. Users can now create their own personalized custom avatars with different traits and assets they own on their Exosama or Moonsama NFTs. Not only can you show off your amazing NFT but you can now also show off your achievements and personality through your avatars.

To say your profile picture just got an upgrade would be an understatement. The Multiverse Customizer offers an abundance of options to truly make your avatars stand out. Mix and match various costumes, backgrounds, main hands, and off-hands to create your own exclusive and unique look. You can unlock even more customizations through NFT ownership. All avatar collections are dynamically expandable, with more customizations being added as the Multiverse evolves. The term "have to collect them all" never held so much meaning. Check out your collection completion by enabling the completionist toggle in the bottom right while you are in the customizer itself. The more NFTs you own, the more customizations you can do!

Where Imagination Meets Reality

The 10-credit system allows you to create as many customized avatars as you like, with 1 credit reload every hour. In the future, you will be able to assign your favorite customized NFT as your avatar and all your representations in Multiverse Customizer-enabled apps will be updated simultaneously. Updating all profile pictures, 2D and 3D avatars across multiple applications, including Multiverse Customizer-enabled games. Whether you want to show off that rare costume that no one else can get, or whether you’re jumping into Carnage and would like to blend in while hunting. Update your avatar and you are ready to go.

Seamless Avatar Updates for Your Socials

For users, this is a game changer, quite literally. The customizer allows users to choose how they want to be represented in each game and create a customized avatar specifically for it. To have everyone know who they are the moment they see them in a Multiverse Customizer-enabled game. To own their reputation and skills that got them there. It also allows them to think of how they will gain additional customization options through NFT ownership. How will they obtain those NFTs? Will it be through collections, loot boxes, participation in events, trading, and getting those high scores?

For those users looking for creative fun and to start bragging right away, the Multiverse Customizer has some awesome features! It has cutouts of your avatar, accessories, and even heads without the backgrounds. All this makes it super easy to create those meme-worthy gifs and images we all love to share. You can even put all your customized avatars together to create awesome banners and show off your collection of customized avatars. One thing is for sure, we can’t wait to see what users come up with.

Empowering Creators and Collectors

So what will this mean for our Raresama Creators? Once the Multiverse Customizer has been fully integrated will all things Moonsama, Creators will be given the keys to a huge boost in creative freedom with dynamic composability for their collections. Collectors will rejoice!

We have all been there. You see a trait on an NFT that you wish you could have on your NFT, but you didn’t get the luck of the draw and until now, you were stuck with what you got. Now, the customizer allows users to mix and match assets within a collection to create personalized combinations of their favorite NFT traits. This feature enhances the value and uniqueness of NFT collections, making them more enticing to Collectors and users who want to have a truly special look on their avatars. The Completionist Toggle allows users to find new collections and revisit Creators as they hunt for the perfect NFT customization. Creators can now have assets and customizations in mind as a built-in utility when they create their collections.

Customizer Launch Event

Unleashing the platform this awesome requires a launch event just as amazing. To celebrate this launch, we are holding a Customization Extravaganza. Show off your customization on Twitter and earn one random transferable copy of the limited edition Cyber Enchantress costume. For event details and how to enter, visit:

For Creators and Collectors alike, the Multiverse Customizer is going to bring the epic chaos that Moonsama is famous for and the bragging rights we all love. It’s time to start collecting and showcasing your uniquely customized avatars!

If you don’t have a Moonsama or Exosama NFT, you can still create your Moonsama account for free, log in and use the demo collection to test the Multiverse Customizer.

About Moonsama

Moonsama’s mission is to unlock the potential of Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as true elements of utility in the Web3 space.

Since its launch in September 2021, Moonsama has become a household name in the NFT space and a leading force within the Polkadot ecosystem.

To date, the Moonsama Ecosystem encompasses multichain blockchain solutions, a vibrant community and a myriad of marketplaces, NFT collections and Web3 games. These elements all come to life through the Moonsama Metaverse, a digital hub where all Moonsama-supported NFTs are able to interact with one another.

Moonsama has a long history within the Polkadot ecosystem, with previously deployed solutions on Polkadot parachains and multi-year partnerships with leading actors of the Polkadot ecosystem, including KILT Protocol, Public Pressure, Sovereign Nature Initiative and more.

Moonsama is powered by a multidisciplinary team of world-class professionals from various industries, including blockchain, art, music, fashion, gaming, regulation and governance.

